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JURIS (Jurnal Ilmiah Syariah)

JURIS (Jurnal Ilmiah Syariah)


JURIS (Jurnal Ilmiah Syariah) untuk Jurusan MANAJEMEN ZAKAT DAN WAKAF


JURIS (Jurnal Ilmiah Syariah) untuk Jurusan MANAJEMEN ZAKAT DAN WAKAF

Pengunggahan Barusan

  • HEBBY RAHMATUL UTAMY (Ulya Atsani, 2018-03-09)
    Discussions upon the use of LPS by Sharia banks are interesting due to the existence of LPS which is believed to be identical to conventional finance system. Sharia banks have their own particular characteristics that make ...
  • HEBBY RAHMATUL UTAMY (Drs Hafulyon, 2018-03-09)
    Countries in the world face different forms of economic developments in the field of regional trade, domestic and international, the United States dollar increase in events that coincide with the occurrence of a deficit ...
  • HEBBY RAHMATUL UTAMY (Dr Alimin, 2018-03-09)
    How can humans live happily is old problems and new problems as well, he is also the problem of micro and macro issues from of the economics perspective. There is no way to be able to live happily except by getting rid of ...
  • HEBBY RAHMATUL UTAMY (As'ari Hasan, 2018-03-09)
    Shariah Banks as Islamic financial institutions and as the indicators of Islamic economic strengths should not depend upon the power of Islamic emotions and capital only in their efforts to develop themselves. In fact, ...
  • HEBBY RAHMATUL UTAMY (Hidayati Fitri, 2018-03-09)
    Pengadilan Agama (Islamic Civil Court) is a special judicial institution for civil matters since it is the responsibility of this institution to receive, check and solve particular problems among Moslems as it clearly ...
  • HEBBY RAHMATUL UTAMY (Azhariah Fatia, 2018-03-09)
    Islam memberikan dan menetapkan hak-hak yang komprehensif dan maksimal kepada anak-anak agar mereka dapat tumbuh, berkembang, dan menjalani kehidupan dengan baik. Hak-hak yang diberikan dapat dikelompokkan kepada lima ...
  • HEBBY RAHMATUL UTAMY (Farida Arianti, 2018-03-09)
    Hadirnya Bank Islam dengan sistem bagi hasil, disinyalir dalam prakteknya kedua bank baik itu bank Syariah maupun bank konvensional tersebut sama saja hanya beda istilah yaitu sistem bunga dan bagi hasil. Kemudian penerapan ...
  • HEBBY RAHMATUL UTAMY (Hj Nurlaila, 2018-03-09)
    Bahasa Arab berkaitan erat dengan ilmu ushul dan fiqh, bahkan ushuliyyun menetapkan pengetahuan Bahasa Arab sebagai salah satu syarat mutlak bagi seorang Mujtahid dalam menetapkan hukum. Masalah lafaz dan makna mendapat ...
  • HEBBY RAHMATUL UTAMY (Iza Hanifuddin, 2018-03-09)
    In matrilineal system of Minangkabau, women gain strategic position. Beside the central line of generation, females also act as ‘bundo kanduang’ who have the right to inherit the tribal heritage from the ancestors and have ...
  • HEBBY RAHMATUL UTAMY (Rizal Fahlefi, 2018-03-09)
    Any decisions made on economy by human in Islam cannot be separated from moral and religious values since all activities upon economy are related to sharia (Islamic laws). Therefore, Islamic (sharia) economy is build upon ...
  • HEBBY RAHMATUL UTAMY (Himyar Pasrizal, 2018-03-09)
    One’s successes in deed are more dominantly determined by his ability to manage himself and others (soft skill). Soft skills including entrepreneurship encourage people to gain great success and even take over world’s ...
  • HEBBY RAHMATUL UTAMY (Drs Hafulyon, 2018-03-09)
    Nowadays, Undang-Undang Nomor 13 Tahun 2003 on Labour (Ketenagakerjaan) has become the legal foundation for outsourcing practices in Indonesia. Company management boards who agree to carry out human resources outsourcing ...
  • HEBBY RAHMATUL UTAMY (Gampito M.Si, 2018-03-09)
    World’s economic condition suffers from imbalance. Great gaps among countries take place which in turn violate justice and balance in terms of economic asset ownership. Studies on Islamic economy should get more attention ...
  • HEBBY RAHMATUL UTAMY (Arlis Arlis, 2018-03-09)
    One of the most appropriate parameters used to describe how zakat is supposed to be ideally managed is by tracing back to how it was done in the beginning era of Islam. This is the reasons why this research was done, that ...
  • HEBBY RAHMATUL UTAMY (Syukri Iska, 2018-08-06)
    Sharia Supervision Board (Dewan Pengawas Syariah) plays very strategic roles insharia economic institutions. Since its main roles will give influences, such as toguarantee the safety of ummah in one side due its appropriateness ...

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