Artikel Ilmiah


Artikel Ilmiah untuk Jurusan MANAJEMEN INFORMATIKA


Artikel Ilmiah untuk Jurusan MANAJEMEN INFORMATIKA

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  • ADRIYENDI, M.KOM. (ADRIYENDI, M.KOM., 2018-06-08)
    This paper aims to implement Fuzzy Logic for cost prediction. Fuzzy Logic using Tsukamoto Model and Sugeno Model. Predicted costs consist of communication cost, transportation cost, and social cost as the external cost. ...
  • ADRIYENDI, M.KOM. (ADRIYENDI, M.KOM., 2019-05-10)
    Seasonal vegetable plants are one of food commodity in Indonesia which contributed significantly in supporting the growth of national economy. Fuzzy Logic using Tahani Model is appropriate to analyze the harvested area, ...