Publikasi IAIN Batusangkar

Mencari Koleksi Textbook berdasarkan Judul

Mencari Koleksi Textbook berdasarkan Judul

Urutkan berdasarkan: Urutan: Hasil:

  • DR. KHALID BIN SA’AD Al-KHASYALAN (Darul Falah, 2020-10-13)
    Apakah men-sir-kan atau men-jahar-kan basmallah yang Anda pilih dalam shalat-shalat jahriyah? Apakah mengangkat tangan sebatas pundak atau telinga di dalam shalat? Di mana posisi tangan saat bersedekap, di atas dada atau ...
  • Sukardi (2020-10-14)
    Enforcement of criminal law on illegal logging cases in Papua, Indonesia.
  • Sudarto (Deepublish, 2020-10-13)
    Manusia modern cenderung melepaskan diri dari keterikatan dengan Tuhan (al-I’radh), untuk selanjutnya membangun tatanan yang berpusat pada manusia (al-qadariyah). Akibatnya, kehidupan manusia terdominasi oleh hipnotis ...
  • Lise Asnur; M.Pd.; Ratih Widya Nurcahyo; S.Kom.; Unung Verawardina; Winna Dharmayanti (Penerbit Qiara Media, 2020-09-19)
  • Lindri Harmurni S.Pd (Uwais Inspirasi Indonesia, 2020-09-19)
    Guru sebagai tenaga profesional mempunyai fungsi, peran dan kedudukan yang sangat strategis dalam menciptakan pendidikan kualitas pendidikan di Indonesia. Karena itu, profesi guru harus dihargai dan dikembangkan sebagai ...
  • William Grabe (Addison Wesley Publishing Company, 2020-09-30)
    Contributors explore the development, practice and meaning of applied linguistics and atempt to solve real-world language-based problems.
  • Christoph Schubert; Jan Renkema (John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2020-09-30)
    This new edition of Introduction to Discourse Studies (IDS) is a thoroughly revised and updated version of this successful textbook, which has been published in four languages and has become a must-read for anyone interested ...
  • Theodore M. Lightner (John Benjamins Publishing, 2020-09-30)
    This book aims to give an indication of the extent of derivational morphology in English; of how much immanent, internal structure must be presumed for words -- even apparently simplex ones. This is done by showing that ...
  • Annette Becker; Markus Bieswanger (UTB, 2020-09-30)
    Neuauflage der praxisorientierten Einführung in die englische Sprachwissenschaft Der Band eignet sich hervorragend als Grundlage für Einführungskurse sowie zu Selbststudium und zur Prüfungsvorbereitung. Er besticht durch ...
  • Moisés Almela Sánchez; Teresa Marqués Aguado (2020-09-30)
  • Annette Becker; Markus Bieswanger (2020-09-30)
  • Ingo Plag; Mareile Schramm; Maria Braun; Sabine Lappe (Walter de Gruyter, 2020-09-30)
    This successful textbook introduces beginning university students of English to the study of English linguistics. Now updated and expanded, the second edition features a more detailed discussion of the differences between ...
  • Alexander Tokar (Peter Lang Pub Incorporated, 2020-09-30)
    Morphology is the branch of linguistics that studies the internal structure of words, word-formation mechanisms that give rise to new words, and mechanisms that produce wordforms of existing words. Intended as a companion ...
  • Ulrike Gut (Peter Lang, 2020-09-30)
    This comprehensive textbook provides a practical introduction to English phonetics and phonology. Assuming no prior background, the author outlines all of the core concepts and methods of phonetics and phonology and presents ...
  • Graeme Trousdale (Edinburgh University Press, 2020-09-30)
    Designed for beginning undergraduates studying for degrees in English, this textbook provides an introduction to a range of sociolinguistic theories and the insights they provide for a greater understanding of varieties ...
  • Rolf Kreyer (Peter Lang, 2020-09-30)
    This book provides an overview of basic syntactic categories, analytical methods and theoretical frameworks that are needed for a comprehensive and systematic description and analysis of the syntax of English as it is ...
  • Jürgen Esser (Peter Lang Pub Incorporated, 2020-09-30)
    This is a comprehensive introduction to English text-linguistics. It deals with those areas of text-linguistics that have enjoyed widespread attention in English linguistics, notably aspects of cohesion and coherence. ...

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