Publikasi IAIN Batusangkar

Mencari Koleksi Textbook berdasarkan Subjek "Foreign Language Study"

Mencari Koleksi Textbook berdasarkan Subjek "Foreign Language Study"

Urutkan berdasarkan: Urutan: Hasil:

  • Jasone Cenoz; Jasone Cenoz Iragui (Spotlight Poets, 2020-09-30)
    This introduction to Applied Linguistics focuses on second language acquisition. It discusses different theoretical approaches from an interdisciplinary perspective, and deals with the main areas of research, such as ...
  • Jeff Connor-Linton; Ralph W. Fasold (Cambridge University Press, 2020-09-30)
    A clear and up-to-date introduction to linguistics. This best-selling textbook addresses the full scope of language, from the traditional subjects of structural linguistics (relating to sound, form, meaning and language ...
  • Alexander Tokar (Peter Lang Pub Incorporated, 2020-09-30)
    Morphology is the branch of linguistics that studies the internal structure of words, word-formation mechanisms that give rise to new words, and mechanisms that produce wordforms of existing words. Intended as a companion ...
  • Jürgen Esser (Peter Lang Pub Incorporated, 2020-09-30)
    This is a comprehensive introduction to English text-linguistics. It deals with those areas of text-linguistics that have enjoyed widespread attention in English linguistics, notably aspects of cohesion and coherence. ...
  • Thomas Kohnen (Peter Lang Pub Incorporated, 2020-09-30)
    This book is written for students of English who are interested in the history of the language and would like to read an accessible but also comprehensive and reasonably detailed introduction. Apart from basic information ...
  • Alissa Hartig; Lynn Santelmann; Susan Conrad (Cambridge University Press, 2020-09-30)
    A comprehensive and up-to-date textbook that brings applied linguistics alive while preparing students for the field with hands-on practice.

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